Friday, September 21, 2012

Providing Mobility to the Handicapped


Candy Canes aims to improve the quality of life for the disabled in  Mexico and Latin America by supplying the financial means towards obtaining  Medical and Surgical treatments and through the provision of customised mobility equipment such as wheelchairs and medical tricycles. It is dedicated to providing help and advice to those in need and their families and in raising awareness of mobility-related issues through national campaigning


As a Foreign Medical Student studying in Mexico I had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people who had the misfortune of having been born handicapped or through injury or illness acquired some form of disability.
Born with or acquiring a handicap in Mexico comes with inconviences and risks not known in developed countries. With its lack of social and support programs,  a handicap can be a life threatening situation. With the loss of mobility so goes the ability to provide and fend for oneself and ones family, children are unable to attend school, the elderly unable to even leave their beds.
The need for medical and surgical services in Mexico far outweighs the ability of the social programs for the poor to supply that demand. Countless children and people of all ages suffer a lifetime waiting for off chance that they might be lucky enough to receive one of the rare opportunitys for medical or surgical corrections. Those that are permantly handicapped are faced with the possibility of struggling through life without the benefit of even the most fundemental and basic mobility equipment.
Candy Canes strives to bridge that gap between what social programs can supply and that which it can't. Candy Canes negotiates lower pricing for highly needed medical equipment, purchases this equipment at the reduced fee and offers it to those in need free of charge. Candy Canes also strives to match those in need with private doctors and surgeons who are willing to donate their services thereby offsetting a great portion of the cost of medical and surgical procedures.
Candy Cane accepts both material and monetary donations.

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